Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay about Pro Legalization of Marijuana - 906 Words
Cannabis has been illegal since the Marijuana Tax act of 1934. Yet out of a population of 284 million American citizens, 70 million Americans claim to have smoked cannabis at some point in their lives. Prohibition of cannabis is therefore apparently ineffective at changing the habits of a population, just as prohibition of alcohol was ineffective in 1919-1933. Making otherwise law-abiding citizens fugitives does nothing more than fill the prisons and alienate the populace from their government. In fact the total cost to taxpayers of solely marijuana-related incarceration (in local, state, and federal prisons and jails) of 15,400 people exceeds $1.2 million per year. There have been many studies†¦show more content†¦Most Americans do not want to spend scarce public funds incarcerating nonviolent marijuana offenders, Marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers at least $7.5 billion annually. This is an enormous waste of scarce federal dollars that should be used to target violent crimes. Politicians must reconsider our countrys priorities and attach more importance to combating violent crime rather than targeting marijuana smokers. Our prisons and jails are so full of drug users like harmless marijuana smokers such that we do not have any place to stick real criminals. Marijuana prohibition makes no exception for the medical use of marijuana. The tens of thousands of seriously ill Americans who presently use marijuana as a therapeutic agent to alleviate symptoms of cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, or multiple sclerosis risk arrest and jail time to obtain and use their medication. Between 1978 and 1996, 34 states passed laws recognizing marijuanas therapeutic value. Most recently, voters in two states -- Arizona and California -- passed laws allowing for the medical use of marijuana under a physicians supervision. Yet, states are severely limited in their ability to implement their medical use laws because of the federal prohibition of marijuana. America tried alcohol prohibition between 1919 and 1931, but discovered that the crime and violence associated with prohibition was more damagingShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization1226 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Marijuana? According to, Marijuana is, â€Å"a preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria†(marijuana). Marijuana, also known as â€Å"Mary Jane†, is drawn out to be an extremely horrible, life-ruining drug. Children learn that marijuana is a â€Å"gateway†drug and that it only does harm. 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